Indochina Geotechnics Jsc
Providing geological and geotechnical survey services
Indochina Geotechnics is capable of implementing complete geological and geotechnical investigations for civil engineering, transport, energy and mineral projects with the following components:
Topographic, geological and geotechnical investigations and mapping.
Drilling and sampling by conventional and wire-line techniques. Undisturbed soil sampling with thin wall samplers, hydraulic piston sampler, double and triple tube core barrels…
In situ testing including standard penetration tests SPT, cone penetration tests with pore pressure measurement CPTu, borehole dilatometer tests, borehole permeability tests: constant head, falling heads and Lugeon tests….

CPTu apparatus on site
Lugeon water permeability tests at 200m depth using wire-line packers

Laboratory tests on soil, rocks, concrete, geosynthetics and other materials following ASTM, BS or Vietnamese TCVN procedures.
Slope stability analysis, instrumentation design
Preparation of geological and geotechnical investigation reports; geotechnical factual and interpretive reports.
Indochina Geotechnics uniquely utilized wire-line drilling techniques, casing advancer and auto hammer in soil investigation projects to bring highest accuracy in the soil profiling, sampling and in situ testing.
For smaller scale soil investigation projects in urban areas, the company uses smaller mechanical core drills but their outputs still meet the highest requirements of international engineering companies thanks to high quality drilling and sampling tools including double tube core barrels with elastic sleeves, triple tube core barrels, Mazier core barrels, hydraulic piston samplers and strict quality supervisions by our engineers.-

Through Indochina Geotechnics is a small company, it is presented in many civil engineering and mining projects in the region where drilling and sampling quality is the major concern of project managers. Our concept for this achievement is rather sample: to have a WELL EQUIPPED, WELL TRAINED & WELL MOTIVATED TEAM.