Indochina Geotechnical Joint Stock Company is one of leading companies in the field of drilling, geological survey, geotechnical engineering in the mining and construction industry in countries on the Indochina peninsula

Exploration Drilling Services


Having invested in modern drilling equipment and technologies since the beginning, our company is among very few national contractors utilizing hydraulic drilling machines with wire-line coring systems, double and triple tubes, reverse circulation systems, large core barrels, drilling polymers and advanced borehole instrumentation in our exploration projects to achieve the higher safety, quality and production of the fields.




Geotechnical survey of works


We provide practical geotechnical investigation services at highly competitive rates for comprehensive projects from site investigation & mapping, drilling & sampling, in-situ & laboratory testing & preparation of factual or interpretive reports. Our dedicated technical teams with advanced equipment and tooling are ready to accomplish any investigation tasks meeting the given specifications within the time frames.




Geotechnical monitoring of works & environment

Backed-up by over 25-year experience in the geotechnical instrumentation business of the company’s senior management, we have built many instrumentation systems for the wide-range of applications. With a solid geotechnical base and good relationships with the World’s reputable suppliers, we can also provide our customers with consultancy for building of highly efficient instrumentation system and monitoring program, optimizing the customer’s investments.


Soil & foundation reinforcement


With solid drilling and grouting capabilities, our field team have accomplished a number of permeation and consolidation grouting jobs for hydropower projects, anchor & drainage hole drilling for slope stabilization projects in highly challenging grounds. In the combination with proven in-house core drilling / sampling & instrumentation techniques, we can bring an assurance for successful soil stabilization projects





Supply of materials and equipment for exploration drilling

We are proud to be present in many major mineral exploration & infrastructure projects in Vietnam and Laos, supplying quality equipment, material & tooling: hydraulic dills; wire-line tools; double and triple conventional tools; large coring tools; RC drilling tools, overburden drilling tools, drilling fluids, borehole & geotechnical instruments, BOP equipment, inflatable packers, simply anything that drillers need in the field.